MBA History Overview


Meadow Bank Avenue is a special community, both in its physical layout and historical development. Over the course of its history there has been an accumulation of rich archive material, generated from a range of sources. The purpose of the History section of the website is to provide a vehicle for giving people access to this material and also to add to it. It is divided into 2 broad sections which we have called ‘Researched Material’ and ‘Lived Experience’.

Researched Material includes:

The Avenue Story; written accounts of various aspects of MBA development

Biographies; profiles of notable Avenue personalities

House Histories: the stories of particular houses

Lived Experience

Oral Histories; semi-structured interviews with previous MBA residents

Residents’ Impressions; informal contributions on aspects of Avenue life


Historical material can also be found in other parts of the site, either separately or via embedded links:

Gallery ; the repository for maps, photographs and pictures

Running the Avenue; for historical covenants, land sales and house plans.


Our hope is that the development of the MBA History pages will be an ongoing process, so if you would like to contribute material please contact us: